Out There Summit 2019 - Event videos
BEYOND BOOKS: Developing the skills, knowledge and leadership of Greater Western Sydney's Gen-Next
Kerry Penton
Andrew Phong
Western Sydney University
John Vassallo
Celestino / Sydney Science Park
Greg Whitby AM
Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta
Dr. Linda O’Brien AM
NSW Department of Education
Featured Artistic Performance
Bryan Brown AM
Australian Actor and Bankstown Boy
Sara Mansour
Bankstown Poetry Slam
Greater Western Sydney's Economic Outlook
Peter Achterstraat AM
NSW Productivity Commission
Leanne Bloch-Jorgensen
National Australia Bank
Adam Leto
Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue
Graeme Loy
Western Sydney Local Health District
Greg Dobson
Defining & Governing the Central River City
Christopher Brown AM
Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue
Lucy Turnbull AO
Greater Sydney Commission
EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE SHOWCASE: Building a smarter Greater Western Sydney
Prof. Barney Glover AO
Western Sydney University
Lillian Gordon
Aboriginal Affairs NSW
Erik Maranik
School Infrastructure NSW
Dr. Michael Spence AC
The University of Sydney
David Tow
Unleashing Greater Western Sydney's Creative and Active Communities
Graeme Beattie
City of Canterbury Bankstown
Lisa Havilah
Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (Powerhouse Museum)
Marie Kanaan
Bankstown Sports
Craig McMaster
Sydney Coliseum Theatre, West HQ
Rebecca Grasso
Campbelltown City Council