In response to the deepening housing crisis, the NSW Government must significantly expand on its existing commitments to social housing across the state, but particularly in GWS, where income growth has fallen markedly below average rents and housing costs.  

The Dialogue believes, in a constrained fiscal environment, the most effective approach will be to make more productive use of the state’s existing social housing stock while expanding the state-led delivery of new stock on underutilised government-owned land.  

The capacity of the community housing sector and the availability of federal and private finance must be leveraged to deliver optimal value for every new dollar invested in social and affordable housing.

Addressing Homelessness 

Recommendation: Increase Specialist Homelessness Service funding by $50 million a year for two years.

GWS is a hotbed for homelessness. The number of people presenting to specialised homeless providers in Canterbury-Bankstown Council has more than doubled since 2015, while Fairfield LGA has had a 75 per cent increase in the same period.  

GWS should get its fair share of specialist service funding to tackle this growing issue. 

Repairing Social Housing 

Recommendation: Double the Essential Housing Package to $500 million.

Wait times for social housing in West and South West Sydney are averaging more than two years.

In order to repair neglected social housing stock in GWS the Essential Housing Package should be increased from $224 million to $500 million. 

Boost Affordable Housing Around TODs

Recommendation: The NSW Government’s 2% affordable housing quota around metro and heavy rail stations should be a floor, not a ceiling. 

Greater Western Sydney has an affordable housing shortfall of over 60,000 dwellings and residents are waiting on average 30 months on the social housing waitlist in Western Sydney.  

A 2% quota reflects the current viability and risk profile for developers, but will obviously not be enough to plug the social and affordable housing gap in our region in the short-term.  

Social Housing Title Transfer 

Recommendation: NSW Government to transfer 30,000 social housing properties to the community housing sector in contestable tranches of 3,000 to 5,000 units.

The Dialogue reiterates its long-held position on social housing title transfers to build scale in the local CHP sector and encourage renewal and more active management of the state’s social housing infrastructure.

This will also free up capital budgets to invest elsewhere in maintenance and delivery of new stock. 

No-Grounds Evictions 

Recommendation: Proceed with legislating to end no-grounds evictions.

The number of people renting in Sydney is growing fastest in the west. A third of GWS is renting and almost half of the Parramatta LGA is currently renting.  

Western Sydney renters are at more risk of being evicted than any other Sydneysider. The rate of rental eviction in Western Sydney is higher than the rest of Sydney with the Inner West experiencing a rate of eviction applications at 0.7 per 100 rentals, while the rate increases to 3.8 per 100 rentals in Liverpool. 

The Minns Government has committed to ending no-grounds evictions in NSW to strengthen the rental system for tenants following extensive consultation as part of their Rental Reform Package.  

The Dialogue understands the complexity surrounding such a change and encourages the government to proceed with legislating to end no-grounds evictions to strengthen Western Sydney’s trust in the rental system and provide more protection for renters. 

Bradfield to Glenfield via Leppington 

Recommendation: Commit funding to commence construction on the extension of Sydney Metro WSA from Bradfield to Glenfield via Leppington.

This is a vital link connecting communities in the south-west to the Airport and frequently cited by key stakeholders as the next step for metro in Greater Sydney. 

St Marys to Tallawong 

Recommendation: The Dialogue would like to see funding for a business case for a metro connection from St Marys to Tallawong.

A metro rail connection, linking Western Sydney International Airport to the North-West Metro at Tallawong (via St Marys) will complete a big piece of north-west public transport puzzle. 


Future corridor planning for Macarthur Metro  

Recommendation: Assist with future corridor planning for the Macarthur Metro extension.  

The Federal Government’s commitment to fund the business case for a Sydney Metro extension to Macarthur is welcome, and the Dialogue would like to see the NSW Government assist with corridor planning for this important project. 


15th Avenue Transit Corridor 

Recommendation: Fully fund the 15th Avenue Transit Corridor.

Funds were committed for planning to upgrade the Fifteenth Avenue Transit Corridor in the last State Budget and the Dialogue would like to see the full east-west connection, linking Liverpool and the Western Sydney International Airport, fully funded. 


Improve bus services to disadvantaged areas 

Recommendation: Expand the Community Transport Program.

Bus services in some Greater Western Sydney communities are infrequent and unreliable, denying many disadvantaged residents in areas such as Fairfield and Mount Druitt access to employment, education and improved quality of life.  

The Dialogue encourages the NSW Government to increase access and frequency of bus routes, existing and new, to underserviced areas in Greater Western Sydney and to expand the Community Transport Program (CTP) to address transport disadvantages at the local level via community transport organisations to connect residents to services, jobs and schools.  



Recommendation: Implement a two-way toll on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

The implementation of a two-way toll on the Sydney Harbour Bridge could net the NSW Government more than $300 million and provide a more equitable road system for motorists across Sydney.  

15th Avenue Transit Corridor

Boost Funding for DV Refuges 

Recommendation: Pledge $54 million per year for domestic violence refuges.

The Dialogue echoes calls from domestic violence advocates for the NSW Government to pledge $54 million a year for DV refuges with a specific focus on GWS to ensure no victim-survivors are turned away when they need support.  

Crisis Accommodation in GWS

Recommendation: Commit funding for innovative solutions to crisis and transitional accommodation for GWS.

The Dialogue encourages the NSW Government to commit funding for innovative crisis and transitional accommodation solutions, including modular housing, and unused commercial motels or nursing homes in Western Sydney to provide more housing for those fleeing domestic and family violence in our region. 

Integrated Community Health Hubs 

Recommendation: Commit $250 million for Integrated Community Health Hubs in South West Sydney.

The Dialogue would like to see $250 million committed to construct Integrated Community Health Hubs (ICHH) in Liverpool and Glenfield. 

The latest data shows our emergency departments in GWS hospitals are being overwhelmed with non-emergency issues. ICHH’s provide improved access to care, including community nursing, child and family health, oral health, mental health, drug health and other services that are better dealt with outside our EDs. 

Liverpool and Glenfield are strategic locations for these hubs considering their connection to crucial public transport.  

The Dialogue also encourages the NSW Government to investigate planning for a further six ICHH in the following locations:  

  • Fairfield  
  • Campbelltown 
  • Bankstown 
  • Wollondilly  
  • Leppington 
  • Oran Park  


Expand mental health services  

Recommendation: Fund the rollout of the Mental Health Acute Assessment Team to all three GWS Local Health Districts.

To ensure Western Sydney residents are getting quality mental health care, and to take pressure off hospitals and police, the Dialogue would like to see additional funding to expand the role of the Mental Health Acute Assessment Team (MHAAT). 

The MHATT is currently operating as a partnership between Western Sydney Local Health District and NSW Ambulance and has redirected over 500 people per year from the emergency department and into appropriate mental health care facilities.  

Funding it to rollout through other health districts in the region (South Western Sydney Local Health District and Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District would reduce strain on police & emergency departments in those areas which, according to Mental Health Australia, have high levels of psychological distress and a pressing need for more mental health services. 

Arts Infrastructure

Recommendation: Save the Roxy Theatre by bringing it back into public hands.

The heritage listed Roxy Theatre is a Parramatta icon. Given its public and cultural significance, the Dialogue maintains its long-held position that the NSW Government should explore options to acquire the theatre and return it to public hands. 

Share our Space

Recommendation: The Dialogue recommends that the NSW Government expand the ‘Share Our Space’ program.

This program provides more communities with an opportunity to leverage public-owned assets for recreational activities, particularly during school holidays. 

The Dialogue would like to see the program also include school libraries, prioritising roll out to areas with high concentrations of socioeconomic disadvantage, and to include afternoons and evenings, with a focus on areas of high residential density and population growth.  

Youth Engagement

Recommendation: Fund a previously announced state ‘Youth Agency’.

Youth disengagement rates in Western Sydney are on the rise. The Dialogue would like to see the NSW Government fund the previously announced state ‘Youth Agency’ to shape better outcomes on key socio-economic issues for young people, particularly in Western Sydney.  

The top 3 LGAs for youth disengagement are Campbelltown (14.9%), Fairfield (14.3%) and Canterbury-Bankstown (12.3%), meaning young people in Western Sydney are more likely to be afflicted by a lack of access to transport, education and must overcome more barriers to participate fully in society. 

While a variety of policy responses are required to address this complex issue, the government can immediately address the shortfall in youth engagement infrastructure across the region by working closely with councils, community and sporting organisations to assist in project and program delivery.  

More police officers in GWS 

Recommendation: Recruit 100 extra police for GWS as soon as possible.

The Minns government has recruited 20 police officers to North and South West Sydney as of February 2024 and previously committed to delivering a total of 100 by the end of their first term.

Given heightened community safety concerns, the Dialogue is calling on the Minns government to bring forward this election pledge to deliver 100 police officers for GWS as soon as possible.