Out There Summit - Event videos

Welcome to Country & Out There Summit Welcome
Welcome to Country:
Uncle Greg Simms
A traditional woodcarver and an Aboriginal cultural educator
Summit Welcome:
Clr Andrew Wilson
City of Parramatta

Official summit opening and Ministerial address
Hon. Rob Stokes MP
NSW Minister for Education
Vote of thanks:
Christopher Brown AM
Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue

Greater Western Sydney: What’s our vote worth?
Christopher Brown AM
Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue

The rise of the innovation precinct: Will our new hospitals make for healthy cities?
Lindy Deitz
Campbelltown City Council
Cameron Fuller
NAB Health
Sarah Hill
Greater Sydney Commission
Amanda Larkin
South West Sydney Local Health District
Danny O’Connor
Western Sydney Local Health District
Theo Psychogios

2018 Lachlan Macquarie Lecture: A personal vision
Professor Peter Shergold AC
Western Sydney University

On the Soapbox: NSW Opposition’s plan for Greater Western Sydney ahead of the 2019 State Election
Luke Foley MP
NSW Labor Leader & Shadow Minister for Western Sydney
Interviewed by:
Chris O’Keefe
Nine Network Australia

Reputation, Identity & Community Leadership
Panel 1: Inspiring Greater Western Sydney
Mayor Chagai
Savannah Pride
Dr Catherine Keenan
Sydney Story Factory
Elizabeth Ann Macgregor OBE
Museum of Contemporary Art
Blake Tatafu
Aboriginal Centre for Excellence
Adam Leto
Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue
Panel 2: Into the West: A breeding-ground for love or hate?
Deng Adut
AC Law Group
Mark Geyer OAM
Triple M Sydney
Amna Karra-Hassan
Auburn Giants AFL Club
Professor James Arvanitakis
Western Sydney University

Economy & the Environment
Panel 1: Making cents of the Western Sydney economy
Connie Sokaris
National Australia Bank
Bevan Paul
Parramatta Leagues Club
John Vassallo
Celestino & Sydney Science Park
Danny Rezek
Planning for a cooler and a greener Western Sydney
Sarah Clift
Parramatta River Catchment Group
Fiona Morrison
Office of Open Space & Parklands
Paul Plowman
Sydney Water
Rod Simpson
Greater Sydney Commission

Dialogue Leadership Awards presentation & Artistic Performance
Awards presented by:
Christopher Brown AM
Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue
Lorenzo Rositano
Western Sydney Opera

The regional population conundrum
David Borger
Sydney Business Chamber
Dick Smith AC
Aviator & Population Provocateur
Dr Andy Marks
Western Sydney University

On the Soapbox: NSW Government’s plan for Greater Western Sydney ahead of the 2019 State Election
Hon. Stuart Ayres MP
Minister for Western Sydney, Minister for WestConnex, Minister for Sport